Friday, April 30, 2010

April Update

Since it has been awhile since I last posted I will just use this as a quick update on how we are all doing.

Currently Aidan is sick with strep throat. He came down with a fever on Wednesday and when it was still 102 yesterday without any other symptoms I called the doctor and he went in and the doctor did a culture and found out he had strep. Even though he has no sore throat or any pain he still has it. The doctor said it is not uncommon for that to be the case these days and that the strain has changed over time. Usually if a child has a fever with no other symptoms it means strep. So he is on amoxcil and the doc said he should be okay later today. I am hoping so because we have a bbq to go to tomorrow and a birthday party on Sunday. And I am praying that neither Keira nor Dylan get it. I am trying to keep them away from him to the best of my ability.

I had a parent/teacher conference with Dylan's teacher the other day and walked away a super proud mom. The teacher had nothing but good things to say about him. Told me that he has really come out of his shell and is a lot more outgoing than he was at the beginning of the year. And that he is pretty much reading at a 2nd grade level. He is also very good in math. He just needs to work on his writing but she said he is write at the level he should be with that for his age.
He recently started baseball and likes it. He does need a lot of practice and gets upset when he doesn't hit the ball but Dave is working with him. It's fun to watch him and the other kids at this age especially when they are out in the field for awhile and you start to see kids playing with things on the ground--yes Dylan is one of those kids.

Keira is now 18 months old, yes 18 months old. I cannot believe it. And she is definitely a determined little girl like her older brother, Aidan. I just hope she doesn't turn out to be as stubborn as he is right now. She is such a little mimic too and I am thinking the fact that she is home all the time with Aidan may not be the best thing, LOL. She's also really good at making a mess; she loves to just pull things off of shelves or out of the toy bins and just leave them laying on the floor. So much fun for me to clean up. Some days (or maybe 2 or 3 in a row) I just let them mess be.

In one week Dave and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary. On our honeymoon we said that for our 10 year anniversary we would go back to we went then, but that isn't happening. We actually don't have plans to go anywhere next weekend but hope to go somewhere this summer.