Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Day

Wow, I can't believe it has been a month since I last wrote. Probably due to the fact that we were in California for a week where Aidan came down with the flu and then had it a bit when we got home and then I had the worst cold of my life. That led to me having, for the past week, having a rally bad pain in my left rib area. Unfortunately yesterday, on Thanksgiving, the pain was the worse it has been.
Other than the pain I was in yesterday the day was nice. My mom and dad did a great job hosting their first Thanksgiving. Yes that is right, after all these years we have never had Thanksgiving over there.
Now that Turkey Day is over we have to get up in the attic and get all the Christmas decorations down. But also at the same time we need to clean off the patio of the boxes that are still out there from moving back into the house so we have room for the Christmas boxes. In hindsight I probably should have had Dave get down some of the boxes for me last night so I could do some decorating today. Oh well, probably for the best so I can rest my side more today and not overdo it.
Hard to believe Christmas is 4 weeks away from today. We have only bought a couple of gifts and really need to get moving. The one big gift Dylan wants, Devastator Transformer, is hard to come by this week. We saw a bunch in different stores before Wednesday but didn't pick any up because Dylan was either with one of us or we didn't have the money at the time and figured we would get it in December. Now we just have to hope the store restock them. Wish us luck.

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